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  • 武漢市第一醫(yī)院


    武漢市第一醫(yī)院(武漢市中西醫(yī)結合醫(yī)院) 醫(yī)院始建于1927年 占地面積174畝 編制床位3000張 坐落于長江之濱,漢水河畔的武漢市第一醫(yī)院(武漢市中西醫(yī)結合醫(yī)院)是一所集醫(yī)療、教學、科研、培訓和健康管理為一體的大型綜合性三級甲等醫(yī)院,是國家中醫(yī)藥管理局授予的全國首批重點中西醫(yī)結合醫(yī)院,也是華中科技大學同濟醫(yī)學院附屬武漢中西醫(yī)結合醫(yī)院、第四臨床學院,湖北中醫(yī)藥大學附屬武漢中西醫(yī)結合醫(yī)院。 醫(yī)院始建于1927年,是湖北省成立最早的公立醫(yī)院之一,初名“漢口市立醫(yī)院”,1949年更名為“武漢市第一醫(yī)院”,1985年被武漢市人民政府命名為“武漢市中西醫(yī)結合醫(yī)院”。 歷經(jīng)近百年風雨兼程,醫(yī)院現(xiàn)有占地面積達174畝,建筑面積18.05萬平方,編制床位3000張,實際開放床位2472張,年門急診量279萬人次,年住院量9.47萬人次,年手術量4.8萬例,資產(chǎn)總值28.6億元。 學科齊全,百花爭艷。醫(yī)院設有臨床、醫(yī)技科室49個,其中各級各類重點專學科38個,包括國家臨床重點專科4個(皮膚科、消化科、腎病科、臨床護理),國家中醫(yī)藥重點學科4個(皮膚病學、脾胃病學、中西醫(yī)結合臨床、臨床中藥學)、國家中醫(yī)藥管理局重點專科9個、部省級重點專科27個,形成了醫(yī)、藥、護、技齊頭并進,中、西并重的重點專學科群。醫(yī)院建成皮膚科、脾胃病科2個國家區(qū)域中醫(yī)(專科)診療中心,湖北省皮膚科醫(yī)療質量控制中心,武漢市血液透析、護理、腦卒中、醫(yī)學影像、消化內(nèi)科、急診、普外、泌外、DRGs、中西醫(yī)結合等11個醫(yī)療質量控制中心。 名醫(yī)薈萃,春華秋實。醫(yī)院現(xiàn)有職工3191名,其中:高級專業(yè)技術人員328名,9名博士研究生導師、88名碩士研究生導師。享受國務院津貼專家14名,省、市突出貢獻中青年專家7名,省、市政府津貼專家21名,國家中醫(yī)藥管理局全國師承指導老師6名、師承繼承人26名,省中醫(yī)大師4名,省中醫(yī)名師6名,省中青年知名中醫(yī)5名,國家優(yōu)秀中醫(yī)人才、省市醫(yī)學杰出人才、領軍人才、優(yōu)秀學科帶頭人等20余名。近年來,醫(yī)院承擔各級各類科研項目680項,主持國家自然科學基金40項,省級科研項目160項;發(fā)表核心期刊論文3000余篇,SCI論文110篇;獲得科技成果160項,省、市級科技獎勵60項次。 設備先進,技術精湛。醫(yī)院建有湖北省首家醫(yī)療救治垂直快速通道,配備國際一體化手術間,擁有全自動生化免疫檢驗流水線、炫速雙源CT等大型高精尖醫(yī)療設備。先后開展生殖、干細胞、基因診斷、介入治療、微創(chuàng)治療、激光治療等六類醫(yī)學前沿技術。皮膚科銀屑病、痤瘡、蕁麻疹、白癜風等14個專病組盛譽業(yè)內(nèi),為全國“四強”;脾胃病科“脾胃特色外治”,腎病科“中環(huán)強”三聯(lián)序貫療法,均取得良好口碑。通過搭建“高位嫁接”平臺,主髂動脈大血管病變腔內(nèi)微創(chuàng)術、盆底重建手術、肝臟精準切除術及復雜性的胰腺腫瘤手術、耳鼻喉科喉癌類手術、消化內(nèi)科ESD、ERCP、EUS等都已經(jīng)做到獨立全面展開。 傳承創(chuàng)新,載譽前行。在近百年的歲月變遷中,代代一醫(yī)人銳意進取,勵精圖治,風雨同舟,成就了院史上一座座豐碑;在近三十年的探索中,醫(yī)院先后榮獲了全國衛(wèi)生系統(tǒng)文化建設先進單位,全國模范職工之家,全國首屆敬老文明號,省、市文明單位,省、市五一勞動獎狀,省、市三八紅旗單位,省、市衛(wèi)生計生系統(tǒng)先進基層黨委等光榮稱號。邁向新時代,醫(yī)院將牢記“中西醫(yī)匯一、精誠利濟”的院訓,遵循“中醫(yī)有品牌,西醫(yī)有特色,中西醫(yī)結合顯優(yōu)勢”的發(fā)展理念,在公立醫(yī)院綜合改革新常態(tài)下,不忘初心,砥礪前行,奮力拼搏趕超,朝著“國內(nèi)領先、國際知名”中西醫(yī)結合醫(yī)院的目標砥礪前行。 A Brief Introduction of Wuhan No.1 Hospital (Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese & Western Medicine) Embraced by the Yangtze and Han riversides, Wuhan No.1 Hospital (Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese & Western Medicine) is a large-scale comprehensive Grade III Class A hospital, integrating clinical medicine, education, research, training and healthcare management. It is appointed by State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM), as one of the first nationwide key hospitals of Traditional Chinese and Western medicines. Wuhan No.1 Hospital not only serves as the 4th Clinical Academy of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Tongji Medical College, but also is affiliated to Hubei University of Chinese Medicine. After nearly 100 years of development, the hospital currently covers an area of 116,000 square meters, with an 180,500 square meter construction area. Out of 3,000 authorized beds, 2,472 of them are available. There are 2.79 million outpatients and emergency treatments per year, along with 947,000 inpatients and 48,000 surgeries annually. The total assets are estimated to be 2.86 billion. As a comprehensive hospital, the hospital consists of 49 clinical, medical and technical departments, including 4 key nation-level clinical departments (Dermatology Dept., Gastroenterology Dept., Nephrology Dept. and Clinical Nursing Dept.), 4 key disciplines (Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Integrated Traditional Chinese & Western Clinical Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology of TCM), 9 key specialties sanctioned by SATCM, and 27 provincial key departments. The hospital is also companied with 2 National TCM healthcare centers (one Dermatology oriented, one Gastroenterology oriented) and 11 medical quality control centers respectively for dermatology, gastroenterology, general surgery, urinary surgery, emergency medicine, medical imaging, blood dialysis, cerebral stroke, nursing, DRGs and integrated traditional Chinese & western medicine. There are 3191 staff now in the hospital, including 328 senior technicians, 9 doctoral supervisors, 88 postgraduate supervisors, 14 experts entitled to State Council allowance, 7 young & middle-aged experts with provincial/municipal outstanding contribution awards, 21 experts entitled to provincial/municipal allowance, 6 national master-disciple program mentors authorized by SATCM with 26 heirs to it, 4 provincial TCM masters, 6 provincial prestigious TCM doctors, 5 provincial young & middle-aged prestigious TCM doctors and more than 20 talents with outstanding contributions & awards in their research, education and clinical domains. During the past few years, the hospital has undertaken over 680 scientific research projects in a wide range of types and levels. Moreover, the hospital has conducted 40 projects approved by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 160 projects approved by the province. With more than 3000 published core journal theses and 110 SCI papers, the hospital received 160 achievements in science & technology and 60 of them are awarded by the province/city. The hospital is equipped with the first vertical express way for medical treatment in Hubei, globally advanced one-stop operating rooms, fully automatic biochemical immunoassay lines, and multiple state-of-the-art medical equipment featuring SOMATOM Definition Flash CT. The hospital has launched six cutting-edge medical technologies successively in fields related to reproduction, stem cell, gene diagnosis, interventional therapy, micro-invasive therapy and laser therapy. The 14 special disease treatment groups (psoriasis, acne, urticaria and vitiligo) of Dermatology Department are praised as the “Top Four” in the country. Also the “unique external treatment” for Gastroenterological diseases and the “Zhonghuanqiang” triple sequential therapy for renal diseases have received favorable comments. By constructing “top-grafting” platforms, it becomes feasible to independently perform in-cavity micro-invasive therapy for major iliac artery diseases, pelvic reconstructive surgery, precise hepatectomy, excision of complicated pancreas tumor, ENT cancer removal and ESD, ERCP and EUS in Gastroenterology Department. Throughout almost 100 years, what remains unchanged are the spirits of “Morality, Humanity, Dedication and Innovation”. Every generation of Wuhan No.1 Hospital staff spares no effort to make a difference and shines its own light to leave a remarkable note in the ever-enriching history of the hospital. In the exploration over the past 30 years, the hospital has been honored with considerable titles, such as National Healthcare Culture Award, National Model home of Staff, the first National Senior-friendly Hospital. As for provincial and municipal achievements, the hospital has been winning the Award of Civilization, the Labor Day Medal, Woman-friendly Award and Advanced Primary Party Committee Award. Under the new public hospital reform policy, Wuhan No.1 Hospital perseveres to its motto \"For Patients\' Best\" and \"TCM feat. Western Medicine\" concept. The hospital shall remain true to its original aspiration and keep the mission firmly in mind, which is to become a domestic top-ranked and globally renowned hospital of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine.

    www.whyyy.com.cn - 2020-02-04 - 收藏
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